Quote Originally Posted by redfogo View Post
Honestly I would never trust NRG seats or any non big brand seat manufacture with my safety. NRG is just the normal EBAY knock offs. In the event on an accident the last thing you want is for the reclining mechanism or fiberglass backing(fixed seat) to fail. That's a great way to end up with a life threatening injury or death. Sure the seats look good and so does the price! However I rather not be in an accident and regret my decision. The seats are not tested for accidents they are just made to look "cool". If you want non OEM seats stick with the name brands you can trust Sparco, OMP, Cobra, Recaro, Corbeau, Momo. Never use a harness with a reclinable seat and never use a 3point seat belt with a fixed seat. Everything is made to work as a system so make sure everything is configured to save your life not kill you.

Example video of accident + bad seat https://youtu.be/8Ye72Fg2xjs?t=48s

I am using Sparco EVO seats and Gforce FIA harness. If I went with recline type seats I would look at Sparco, Recaro, or Corbeau. Sparco R100s are probably the cheapest name brand recline type seat they look good and are great quality. Their R333 seat is also nice but slightly larger.
Agree with Redfogo except the point with the harness. Schroth makes harnesses for use with factory reclining seats and, at the very least, Recaro makes a version of their speed reclining seat with a slot for a 5 point.

If I were money conscious and wanted something with "the look" and also comfort for at most and average build, I'd look at a set of Evo VIII recaros. Evo IX and X seats were made a little more spacious but also look pretty cool.