The Robert Fedderson Memorial award for 2016 was announced today at the Factory Five Open house.

The winner this year is Wade Chamberlain.

Wade was nominated via near consensus vote earlier this year on both forums.!

He was taken from us earlier this year, way too young at aged 47. Wade was a fierce competitor and an inspiring friend to many, both locally with the Capitol Area Cobra Club and online with the forums. His untimely passing earlier this year came as a shock to the entire community. He is missed by a great many people, and this award is just a small token to his family of what a great contribution Wade made to our community.

More pictures of Wade, courtesy of Scott Brooke:

Factory Five Racing will be preparing an announcement on their website but I wanted to let everyone on the forum know.

I'd like to add a special thank you to Randy Jones for continuing to keep the spirit of Robert Fedderson alive in the community with the continued dedication to this award. He was able to attend the Open House and take part in the award presentation.

In closing-

Thank you all for the community that we have. Thank you also for always trying to keep the helpful ways of Robert and Wade in mind when one of our brothers or sisters need help. You are truly the best.


The nominating committee
Randy Jones
Karen Salvaggio
David Hodgkins