Hi Everyone,

It's been a while but we're still working away at the project. Today I have some rendering updates. These are the first revisions of 2D renders that will help us better see the car in a more 3D space.

First are a side view and a front quarter view:

From here we'll want to make some adjustments. First out of the gate are adjusting the "blobby" nature of the initial renders. We want to make the lines more streamlined and cleaner. We also need to create more of a belt line along the sides of the car (lime green arrow) to make the muscles a little bit more tense.

Where the violet zig-zags are is an important part of the car that we'll need to further develop to make sure it is nice and tense as well (think of a relaxed muscle vs a flexed one)

Below is a revised variation with a few more tweaks. We'll be continuing to revise and work our way to something exciting. And yes, those are air scoops at the quarter windows to help get some air flowing to the intercooler