Hi all,

Just recently started my build. I've been meaning to get a build thread going, but have not yet had the spare time (sty tuned, maybe this weekend ...).

Anyway, I've been working on my IRS install. All the unusual tight fit issues which I was able to anticipate and overcome thanks for all the helpful tips posted on this forum. I did not see much written about the Toe Arm to Spindle fit. I while assembling the right side onto the chassis, I ran into a rather larger interference between the flanges of the Toe Arm and the bushing width (greater than an 1/8"). I did not see anything written on this, so I was wondering if it was something I was doing wrong.

I have a couple of picture of what I am referring to, but unfortunately I don't know how to post them. I also came up with a way to splay the flanges. I can post a pick on this as soon as I figure out how ...

Any/all feedback on this is much appreciated.