Took the GTM out this weekend again for test drive and the adjustment on the transmission worked well it now shifts into all gears as it should. But with that being said, I found out why the speedo was not working, someone for got to put a constant power wire into the Dakota Digital GPS-50-2 that I was going to use as info to speedo. And, discovered I forgot to pull three wires into the doors for the push button door opener from inside as wanted them to open with the popper form the inside as well as outside.

So, and I am sure we have all done many times, well except for maybe Shane who has built so many he may not have the same issue, its take everything a part and fix these issues then put everything back together again. By the time I am done I should be able to almost disassemble and reassemble the care with a blind fold on…


Well off to the shop to finish the task of hopefully finishing the last few thing I forgot then back onto the body work. With winter coming want to insure it is mechanically complete and can work on the body through the long an usually snowy winter in Wyoming.