Although I didn’t take any pictures, I did the modifications to the CV joints and axles. Nothing too tough, but it was definitely a messy process. When I took them back out to the garage to stash them for later I decided to organize the boxes a bit to make room.

I wonder what is in these two taped-together boxes?


Darn it! I bought new axles with the kit! Good grief. I guess I have some spares now.

Since the build takes so long, and there are so many different projects to distract me all at the same time, I find one of my biggest time-demands is looking for things that I have stashed away. At least I know where the glass is. I read in someone else's posts that they stored all of it under their bed. Great idea! Took the old dog bed/pillow and a bunch of old beach towels to make a 'nest' and stashed everything under the guest bed. My wife hasn't found them yet!