Help Name the All-New Factory Five Line of Sherwin Williams Paint Colors

The Summit Racing-Factory Five Mk4 project car used two of the new FFR-SW paints.

Factory Five has teamed up with Sherwin Williams to release an all-new line of custom Factory Five paint colors. Lots of folks have seen us at shows or come to our showroom and asked us, “What color did you paint that car?”

We have worked for years with Carl’s Collision here in Massachusetts, a high-end shop that not only does collision repair and paint, but also has an in-house facility where they host training sessions for auto-body technicians. Carl’s uses paint by Sherwin Williams, so our cars are all painted with Sherwin Williams paint as well.

Working directly with both of these companies, we created a line of paints to match the palette used for all of our favorite cars. We’re about ready to release them, but we need some help coming up with the names.

Have a look at photos below and share your name suggestions by filling out the form and hitting submit at the bottom of the page. The winner for each color will be awarded a $50 Factory Five gift certificate!

The contest ends on May 15, 2013. Factory Five Racing will announce the winners and award prizes at it's sole discretion. Void where prohibited.

Click here to submit your name suggestions.