Now that I have 5 minutes and have had a good night sleep, I figured I would debrief the trip to "house of power"...

So kinda of a whirl wind trip..Hit the road Sunday afternoon and back to the house monday night...

Once again..thanks to Wayne Presley! I have to say, I followed his recommendations to a tee and did not deviate...this paid off huge when it came down to the mustard.

The car fires right up and has excellent idle characteristics. Responds excellent to throttle and sounds awesome. I spend a lot of time sync'ing the carbs and Wayne gave it the thumbs up when he rechecked it. The Mallory dissy worked perfect right out of the box as did the crane ignition.

The car has a VERY broad power band from 2000-5000. The carbs did come setup rich. We did not have the jets to get the AFR down to where we needed, but made a change anyway to see how the car would react. It reacted in a very predictable manner, which was really neat to see, since I am fuel injection guy...too easy...more work than pushing a few buttons, but still easy... I had Wayne order me up some smaller jets and will make the guess is that I will pickup a little up top.. The cam is just the limiting factor I believe at this point. No big deal since most of my driving is in the 2000-5000 range.

Body is at this weekend I will finsih up installing the interior and getting everything finished.

I was able to get 4* caster and 1* camber out of the Hotrod spindles with pin drives...but that's it! I will probably leave it like this...might make a slight adjustment..but looks good.

anyway...I will add more as i think about it....

once again!!!!