Hey guys, this is my first post here but I've been browsing this forum for about a year now. There is so much valuable information here! Some of the things you guys have done with these cars are just amazing! My name is Evan and I'm currently building a coupe in New Hampshire (bought last June so it should be the most recent chassis design) and I have a few questions about fitting some of the aluminum panels onto the car. I did some searching but I didn't really find anything that answered my question so here goes...

First question: How are the rear cockpit corner panels supposed to fit? I've seen pictures where people have them riveted to the body and then others where they riveted them to the frame. Now I'm wondering if the way I fit the aluminum and drilled it is right or if I've gotten ahead of myself. Here's a pic of how I fitted them:

My second question has to do with the outside footbox panels. On the driver's side, part of the panel covers some kind of mount. The passenger side leaves space for it though. I'm guessing I should probably trim this right?

Drivers side:
Passenger side: