With proper deference to previous unread threads and upon test-fitting of my new 818C's front and rear suspension pieces, it has become painfully obvious to my aviation-oriented brain that the factory-supplied hardware is woefully inadequate. I have much difficulty accepting coarse-threaded, poorly fitting, suspension locating hardware that puts bolt threads in contact with frame location bosses in almost every one of the factory's brackets. Even in street trim, having proper grip-length bolts to extend the shoulder past the brackets should be a no-brainer, but that is not what I am seeing. I know, this is probably too Anal Retentive to register on anyone's joy meter, but that is my 2-cents.

As a newbie to the breed, I will be posting a list of Aircraft Spruce AN hardware that will conform to tougher build standards with position-specific part numbers. It will be a very good happiness-per-$$$ unit cost.