It's time to nominate for the 8th Annual Robert Feddersen Memorial - Factory Five Racing Legacy Award!

Background on the award from Factory Five:

Factory Five Racing is proud to announce the ‘Annual Robert Feddersen Memorial - Factory Five Legacy Award.

Each year, nominations will be accepted from the Factory Five community for those individuals who completely embrace the giving spirit and helpful way of Robert Feddersen and many other Factory Five community members across the nation and around the world. Roberts kind heart will always be remembered through this award and help remind us to give what we can to help others."

There is a perpetual trophy and description of the award that stays in the trophy case at FFR and has each year's winner engraved on it. Additionally, a beautiful engraved plaque is sent to the winner as an award.

Here is what the description of the award says:

"Purchasing a Factory Five kit doesn’t mean you just get a car to build, you are entering a family that shares much more than wrenches, and you make friends that last a life-time. The community, or brotherhood aspect of Factory Five owners, is something that is hard to explain. It will take those who are not expecting it by surprise!

In June of 2008, the Factory Five community suffered a devastating loss. Factory Five customer, forum friend, and family man, Robert Feddersen, passed away after a sudden accident at home. He was a generous, loving soul who adored his wife Jill and two sons Liam and Alex and was the type of person that always made time for friends and made them a very important part of his life. He was taken too soon from all that loved him.

Robert was the type of person who would stop everything to help someone in need and often drove hours away to help a fellow Factory Five builder through a rough patch in their build. He was a teacher by profession, but it was also his passion and he was very happy anytime he could help someone understand something new. He wasn’t the know-it-all type of guy. If someone was struggling with part of their build, he would be right along side them if he could while trying to find an answer and helping in any way possible. It actually took him over three years to finish his own Mark III Roadster due partly to the fact that he was very busy helping his friends build theirs. He was also the self-proclaimed ‘Redo King’ who had endless issues with two different engines in his car but would just laugh at his challenges and joke with his friends about his luck.

Robert was a teacher and lover of life who held his family and friends close. He was a giver of time like there was no other and so many people’s builds were touched by his hands. He truly embraced the philosophy of helping all those that he could and was always happy doing it while asking for absolutely nothing in return. Robert Feddersen was a true friend to our community and will be terribly missed.

Factory Five Racing is proud to announce the ‘Annual Robert Feddersen Memorial - Factory Five Legacy Award.

Each year, nominations will be accepted from the Factory Five community for those individuals who completely embrace the giving spirit and helpful way of Robert Feddersen and many other Factory Five community members across the nation and around the world. Roberts kind heart will always be remembered through this award and help remind us to give what we can to help others."

The past winners are:

2009 - Greg Marsh
2010 - Paul Mastroianni
2011 - Karen Salvaggio
2012 - David Hodgkins
2013 - Don Vaught
2014 - Sean Lamontagne
2015 - Frank Maslowski

So having said that, please nominate those people that you feel had the "way above and beyond, helping, giving spirit and brotherhood" that Robert (as well as the past winners of this award) have shown.

Please add a post to this thread stating the person's name and possibly the screen name here on here or 'the other place'. Most importantly, please write in as much detail as you think will be helpful why the person would be a great choice.

Nominations will be accepted until midnight on Wednesday, May 11th.

I'm going to be cross-posting this on both this board and 'the other place' to make sure everyone has the chance to nominate the person they feel so strongly about.


Randy and the selection committee.