A lot of you have been following the condition of Andy Salvaggio, on the Coupe, and Off Topic sections. Karen posted this today, we've lost a great and generous friend. In the short time that I've know Andy and Karen, they have grown to be part of our family. I haven't been at a race track without them there, Andy's laugh, and Karen's endless enthusiasm. I know Andy's in a better place, but I will still miss him!

September 16, 2011
Our courageous and wonderful Andy passed into the loving hands of our Lord this afternoon. He was at peace, and through the kindness of so many over the last weeks and months, he left us knowing how much he was loved. We know his loving mother, father, and sisters, as well as Robert, Paul, Ralph, and so many of our friends who passed before him, were there to receive him with the greatest of love. Our family is deeply saddened in our loss, but find solace in knowing he has now found true peace.

Andy was indeed an exceptional man, and he will forever be my hero. He lived an amazing life, and I count myself fortunate to have shared nearly twenty years with this man. Words will never fully express our family's gratitude for the unwavering love and support we've received from our family and friends. Thank you for your prayers and kindness.....We are truly blessed

Sincerely and with warmest regards...........................Karen