Friday, I purchased my donor - a 2004 WRX sedan with 106K on the clock. The car is not roadworthy, just donor-worthy, so it had to be flatbed towed to my driveway. I have both a signed title and a signed bill of sale. I was hoping to do two things - transfer the title to my name, and register it as nonoperational. The idea there is to be able to prove to the DMV that I own the car, so that I have the right to take the engine and put it into an 818 chassis. However, I was just at AAA, and they told me I would have to have the car smogged in order to complete the title transfer, and that they can't do nonop status except during the window around the renewal of the tags - in July/August of next year.

I guess I could have it towed to and from the smog shop, but whether or not it would actually pass smog is an open question.

Considering this car is never going to be on the road again under the existing VIN, do I even need to register it?
When it comes time to do the SB100 process, is the paperwork I have going to show sufficient proof that I own the car and all its parts?
What else am I missing?