Getting a few things done as staying at home is in style now. I fabricated a new hatch latch pin bracket as the on from FFR did not have enough adjustment for me so I made a new on from aluminum angle that set the pin back just a little over the bent version and kept it from touching the body as it just barely cleared if you were careful closing the hatch so made this new on and it works much better and has some adjustment on the height of the pin.

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Fabricated the hatch louvers from VRaptor Speedworks, they went together easy and fit perfectly in the cut out from the factory with only slight shaping of fiberglass. Used cleco’s to hold it to the fiberglass hatch until the 3M 8115 dries.

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Here is view of the aluminum hatch cover in place in the hatch looking through it toward the front and from the front looking through the back and out the rear. As you can see, when in position you can see through the louvers with virtually no obstructions. I know I mentioned this before, the aluminum hatch cover is also from VRaptor and Shane thanks again.

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