I got a little more time to work on the car over the weekend so here's the current state of it all:

I have a quick bracket for holding the steering rack in the expected location above the differential. It'll feed between the 'A' of the standard chassis above the upper a-arm as seen in the third picture. I made a wood holder for the differential to get it at the right height and already cut off the aft driver's side 'normal' steering rack bracket.

View looking top-down and forward. Everything is super tight to the frame. The differential needs to go further towards the driver's side to have equal length half shafts so I've already started notching the frame (after the pic was taken) to get it to fit correctly.

Side view of the steering rack and differential output locations:

Finally a wider view of the current front:

I need to finish the frame notching for the front diff, then cut out for the steering rack extensions, then I'll get the bellcrank and coilover mounts located. Lots to do but good to get a sense of front getting sorted out!