
I found this broker's web site who was listed on the iaai auction site, if I read their registration form correctly, they will bid for you. If you are buying only one ..or a few cars there is currently no registration fee.. and they have access to severial auction locations including Copart, iaai, and others. You need to tell them of course how high you are willing to go... and details about which car you want to bid on etc..

Deposit: $1,000 Hold put on credit card.
Transaction fee: $150 each car.
Copart( or other) fee: as they calculate them.
read the details for other fees that may apply.

Check out for full details .. (read all 7 pages of contract before you do this):

I have not had dealings with this broker so this is not a recommendation, it just it looks like it may be a good way to go.
If anyone has has had dealings with this broker it would be good to hear from you.

Hope this works out.
