Glad you didn't. I went into Cardac Arrest at age 37, I was legally dead for 1 min and 53 sec. Some things really change ones thought processes. Now stop the excuses and either build yourself an 818/coupe/GTM or get envolve more than just behind the keyboard. Another member and myself will be starting our 818s in October (2 being built side by side). I may get mine a little earlier to do some body mods and vinyl wrap it. Not going to speak for the other member as he has generously offered his shop to do the builds but you are welcome to come turn a wrench on mine while still at my house. Maybe if you get your hands on one you will be convinced to pull the trigger. I am the king of "inexpensive" projects. I plan to finish my 818 for less then 13K, for that kind of money it can be done collecting beer cans (no excuses).