Quote Originally Posted by PhyrraM View Post
Why do so many designs seem to get the 'large haunch' look. I know the 'modified wedge' shape is in style currently, but on a car this small I'm wondering if it will work...

Maybe it's not so much the rear, but the mid-section. Every design seems to have a very high window line, which carries to the ungainly rumpus rump. OEMs need side protection, we will only get what FFR puts in the frame, so why still have the high waistline?
It's largely a result of the bizarre package-- the driver and engine are way too far back to allow for a graceful mid-engined design. If you want to have the driver sitting that high, then pile rollbars on behind him, and hang the engine that far back, you're going to get a really strange-looking thing unless you really, really force it.