My question goes beyond aesthetics because that can be debated endlessly without resolution. How do you intend to use the car? If you plan to do any track time or autocross you will find that the typical roadster lowback seats won't keep you in place very well. The highbacks like the Kirkey intermeidiates that FFR offers as an option, Sube Clubmans, etc. will do a much better job in that regard. You can also go to a lowback roadrace seat like a Kirkey 41V series which will keep you better planted but still have more of a vintage look by not extending above the body.

FFR offers these as a Coupe option so if you chose to go this route perhaps you could work out a swap deal when ordering. If not they are available from a number of other sources.

As mentioned earlier if you plan to do any track time you'll be required to have a bar for passengers or instructors.
