Quote Originally Posted by Frank818 View Post
I ordered 4:1 heat shrinks, as the housing is 9.7mm and the wire is 3.5 and there are no 10mm heat shrink I could find. I have another solution if I don't get those ebay heat shrinks (75% of my orders since Sept 29 have never arrived).

If all silicones use that acetic acid then how do you glue the round PCB back on if using fiber washers? Or maybe you don't need to, you just push it back in?

What adhesive do you use to glue the lense back on?
Not all silicones release the acid. I THINK you can go by smell - if pungent then probably does. If no odor or nothing burns your nose - probably ok. I used Pliobond for lens.

I'd put at least a thick piece of paper behind the board if you have it out. Because just putting silicone or other glue, doesn't keep it from possibly touching some part of the metal case, unless maybe you'd put a skin and let it dry over night. Even a bit of paper then silicone or glue would help prevent a short. Paper spaces it away, the sealant keeps it from moving and touching later.