Quote Originally Posted by Jeff Kleiner View Post
Just read through this again and paid a little more attention this time (comprehension is so overrated ). You mentioned body contact with the Breeze hood hinge...is the front of the body mounted at the quick jack/bumper tubes yet? If not do that before you get too involved with making clearance for the hinge or with fitting and gapping the hood. Step A before Step B before Step C and so on...

I do have the tubes mounted. I don't have the jacks themselves mounted but the tubes are centered on both sides equally. I did notice I had to bump the passenger side up a bit to get it centered. From there I bolted it down. Before bumping the passenger side, I noticed the hinge (same side I am having problems with was lower in regards to the body lip when compared to the drivers side. After centering the passenger quick jack tubes in the body cutout holes, now the orientation of either hinge appears to be equal in relation to the body.

However, the passenger side still comes into contact with the hood lip opening when it opens at a certain point. The drivers side doesn't have this clearance issue. I have the hinge itself all the way up as far as it will go (or at least the best I can with the body on). I was thinking the cross bracket itself needs to be pushed rearward towards the cockpit in order to get it to clear. Problem with that is, I think I have it already as far as it will go. I had the lower cross bracket powder coated and was wondering if I could grid off the powder on the back of each mounting tab and maybe where it comes into contact with the frame as well, that coupled with elongating the mounting holes a bit would allow me to slide it somewhat rearward more. In any event, I think I need to pull the body to see clearer on what's going on. Tough getting up into the radiator opening to adjust the hinges and or cross bracket.