Quote Originally Posted by kraftee View Post
...and Tim, I saw you were discussing stereo systems over on wallace18's current build thread. Didn't want to hijack that thread so I thought I would post this here. I bought a Kenwood Bluetooth bridgeable amp and installed it behind the passenger seat on the floor. It comes with a nice wired remote head (mountable if you have a console - I don't.) Even with just two 6" Infinity door speakers, it sounds amazing, even at 70mph with the top down. It is also dead simple: I simply open my iTunes app on my phone and pick a mix or artist (or open Pandora - but then there is the cellular data charge to deal with.) Then, all day, whenever I start the car, it automatically starts playing my chosen music. Everything shuts off when I turn off the key - and my phone goes into pause mode. Pretty awesome and I can adjust the volume, skip tracks, etc., with my little wired remote that lies next to the transmission tunnel. My phone stays in my pocket.

It's the best hidden sound solution I have seen so far.
The sound system you installed (Kenwood bluetooth bridgeable amp) do you happen to remember the model number?
