Now I grew up in the 70's... virtually all classis rock albums were mixed using JBL 4311B studio monitors... that's the sound I look for and I actually still use my JBL L36 speakers at home... :-)

I hate the Bose sound, it is all smoke and mirror equalization of multiple small drivers, reflective wave response etc...

My point is that like the rest of the 818 these cars are but a canvas for each owner's creativity and needs...

I tried to live with just an amplifier and stereo speakers in my electric reverse trike... I couldn't live without the radio and with 10 cars I had to standardize on a single family of receivers or I'd never keep the buttons straight. For $150-200 I can get a nice, capable receiver. I refuse to use GPS etc and have little use for a smart phone, tablet etc... My son couldn't live without one!

To each their own... We all need to understand that an open roadster has severe acoustic limitations. I think that it is however safe to assume that we are building these cars nwith the stereo beinga rather minor part of its design parameters with perhaps an all out snow car being the sole exception.

I plan on driving mine!