The LCAs are the same for left and right.

Got your PM. At this point I'm mostly out of ideas and in agreement with WEK that it's going to take some careful measuring to try to determine where the variation is. That would mean starting with the lower arms to verify that the tubes are the same length on both sides and located exactly alike on the bushing sleeves. Measure from the center of the ball joint (grease fitting)to a common location. It would seem more probable that an arm is out of whack rather than the chassis. Remember there are 4 tabs for each LCA; while it is not impossible that all 4 are mislocated I'd think that the jig would make it pretty unlikely. With that said if both arms measure the same and you start investigating the chassis a quick check would be to compare the distance of the LCA tabs from the front X member &/or the ends of the frame tubes. To go farther, rather than doing it on a lift I'd keep it on the ground and make a reference line on the floor directly down from the outside of both frame tubes. I'd then plumb down to the floor along this line from the center of the rear axle and from the LCA frame tabs. Compare those dimensions side to side. If you find the 3/4" you'll have to start checking other reference points such as the rear LCA mounting points or front UCA mounts to try to determine where the descrepency lies.

From what you discovered earlier I thought alignment would take care of it...sorry it didn't turn out to be that easy Keep us posted and good luck.
