Hi. My name is James and I am new to the forum world. I just turned 30 and my wife and I decided to build a 33 Hot rod, we are just a few months away from ordering are kit.

A little about my car life: My grandfather helped mold me into a car guy, starting by telling me stories of his high school days and his 1932 ford 3 window. At the age of 8 when we had our first build a 1923 ford t bucket (That he gave to me later in life), then on to his 1960 el camino. We had a blast building and going to car shows with them. My grandfather passed about 10 years ago and I have been itching to start a new build. something that I can give to my son that will bring things full circle, back to my grandfathers first car.

I have been looking over this forum and i'm super excited to get my build started, after seeing everything you guys have been doing. There is a lot of really good information here and thank you for sharing. I hope to post pics soon
