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Thread: Casey Cabin

  1. #161
    Coupy's Mom MRSQSL's Avatar
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    I appreciate the suggestion. However Mike already bought some of the required materials for the drain field and I think his plan is pretty good. I don't (knock on wood) anticipate too many problems. I think the people that decided a bucket was good enough were actually trying for the seepage pit idea, but went with a paint can sized bucket rather than a large drum. I'm sure they had good intentions. I think the seepage pit (what a terrible word - "seepage") is a good plan if the drain field eventually dies and the future owners (our kids) have to replace it. I'm hoping to live to be at least 120, but I also don't ever want to have to deal with septic crap again.

  2. #162
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    This is a job Mike can do without question! And, even with the expenses involved, you should still be able to tackle that bathroom reno. You may need to skip a few elements to cover the expense of the septic; but things like sinks and toilets are really just luxuries, right?

    Seriously though, given Mike's ridiculous skill set, this will all get handled, and will make for some more great forum entries!

    So glad Mike is doing well from his surgery! I have been thinking about you all, and hoping that you are well. I was worried a bit because we haven't heard from you in a while. However, I am glad that worry was unnecessary!

    Give my best to Mike please, and I look forward to hearing about the septic work, as well as the happy return to Coupey!!



  3. #163
    Coupy's Mom MRSQSL's Avatar
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    Wondering what happened? Well, I'm here typing so obviously Mike didn't use the backhoe to dig a deep hole for burying my body. That's a good thing.

    Working around excrement is much less exciting than I thought it would be. Who knew? There really weren't any human droppings laying around waiting to pounce. Mike got the backhoe (delivered late because isn't that the way things always go?) and he dug. He dug and dug and dug and dug (yawn) and dug some more. We ended up with a large rectangular pit where we eventually put long white piping (with holes). Then a butt ton of gravel was deployed. Now let me stop here and mention that in my head "gravel" is pea gravel. Cute little baby gray rocks. Imagine my surprise when I saw the pile of gravel taller than I with big globs of grayness. I think Mike told me (when I was no longer speechless) that they are 1-1/2" maybe. I learned something. Rock is heavy. It doesn't matter if it is small or large. When you have to use a metal rake to move it (or a shovel - not hands or you'll break nails, found that out the hard way), it's heavy. Very, very, very, very heavy. Dense little suckers. The backhoe moved the bulk of it, but some hand/tool movement was necessary. Ouch. Talk about feeling it in your hands and legs and back and neck and toes and groin and ears and hair muscles and knees and fingernails. You get the picture. Everything hurt by the end of the day. Well and then there was the part where my neighbor asked me to walk to a garage sale with her. She thought it would take about an hour. What she failed to mention was that it would be a nearly 7 mile round trip starting at about 7300' elevation and at least half of it would be uphill. By the time I got back hours later, I was in a mildly extreme amount of pain. I shoved some food down my throat, drank a couple gallons of liquid and then went back outside where Steve immediately handed me a rake. Sigh. Two hours of raking and then we were finally done for the evening. Steve and I were, anyway. Mike continued to backhoe around the property for a couple of more hours doing odd jobs here and there. If I had a place to keep it and could afford it, I'd totally buy him a tractor for Father's Day.

    There isn't much more to say. More work was done the following day and then the backhoe was picked up. I was a little sad when it left. It kind of felt like an extension of Mike since he'd been on it pretty much every waking moment. So the septic is done, but I mean who knows if it works. It's not like the toilet flushes better or the sink drains any differently. We had had the septic pumped prior to this so it isn't full enough to test. I guess it's just a waiting game now.

    We were at the cabin the next weekend as well (big shock, right?) and did the pine needle cleanup. That's not fun, but it went surprisingly quickly. The septic area was already all churned up from the work we did. There was nary a needle to be seen. The rest of the yard was time consuming, but not horrific. I believe it took two trips with an overly full truck bed to get them all out of there. Last weekend Mike borrowed the neighbor's churny uppy thingy which he attached to the back of the UTV and dragged all over the place. It looks much better now and again no pine needles to be seen. That thing is heavy, though. It's like a lot of chain with a bar and a hitch. I'm not describing it well, but it works. Mike complained a little about having to do it, but I saw the tiny smile on his face and the twinkle in his eyes as he drove the UTV all over the yard like a maniac. What I didn't love was that it sucked some of the rocks up closer to the surface and Mike decided to start taking those down where the picnic table used to be. I was minding my own business in the cabin when he came in and asked if I would pretty please make a rock wall for him. Fine. I hadn't planned on doing in manual labor this weekend so I hadn't packed any labor outfits. We were hosting a large party that evening and I didn't want to look like I'd just come off the chain gang. I grabbed my cute little mechanic-y overalls and tucked in for a long, hot, heavy morning of lifting. We were sitting on the deck trying to cool off a couple of hours later when Mike got a text requesting we bump the party from 7 to 5. ARGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I immediately stripped off my coveralls and raced into the house to start food prep. It all turned out well, but I'm hoping to be able to relax this weekend. Do you hear that Mike? Are you reading this? RELAX!!!!!!!!!!

    We are still planning on a bathroom remodel. The shower has arrived at the store and needs to be picked up. I am hoping that is not the plan for this weekend. The neighbors are building a massive garage and are going to be borrowing Steve for a few days, so he has to be delivered tomorrow morning. I won't be going up until Friday night. Fingers crossed it is a relaxing weekend. Heck, I'm going to cross a few toes and maybe my eyes too.

  4. #164
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    You have not been on site for a while. Hope everything is going well with you and yours. Any work being done on coupy? Is the cabin close to being finished.

  5. #165
    Coupy's Mom MRSQSL's Avatar
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    I just looked to see if I have a recent pic of the cabin bathroom. Mike did an amazing job. I helped, but he did 94.8% of the work. I have in progress pics and I'll try to get those on here. It's SO much better than it was. SOOOOOOOOO much better. I'm not scared of the bathroom anymore.

    Coupey moved. I know that isn't terribly exciting, but Coupey went from one side of the garage to the other. Steve needed the lift to work on this ongoing issue keeping us from getting the Buick smogged. I have been going out and "helping" him every night after work and jogging. Mostly I fetch him tools and stand around shouting encouraging things. I felt pretty special last night when Mike (helps when we get really stuck) asked me for a 1/2" socket and an extension. I got it right! Then he asked me to go stir the chicken. I apparently have a multitude of helping talents.

    I'm hoping once the Buick is done, I can persuade Mike to help with my car. I really need him to do whatever it is he's going to do with the brake lines and then progress can hopefully be made on the rest. I've given up on making excuses. We suck.

    Oh and just in case anyone was wondering, the septic seems to be working. Yay us!!!!!!IMG_1777.jpegIMG_1778.jpeg

  6. #166
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    Bathroom look great! Hope none of the fires are near you. Be safe.

  7. #167
    Coupy's Mom MRSQSL's Avatar
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    It seems like most of California is on fire. The only fires near us this week have been small. The big fires up north are nowhere near us, but heartbreaking. The ones in SoCal are over an hour away from our home and our cabin. I feel terrible for everyone affected.

  8. #168
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    Hope you and yours had a wonderful Christmas and it was the best one so far. Have a fun and safe New Year.

  9. #169
    Administrator David Hodgkins's Avatar
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    A little birdy (facebook) told me IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY!!!

    HAPPY 22nd!!!

    FFR 5369 Pin Drive, IRS, Trigos, Torsen, Wilwoods, FMS BOSS 302 "B" cam , Mass-flo. CA SB100 (SPCN) Registered
    Delivered 4/23/06. "Finished" 4/2012 (still not done!)

  10. #170
    Coupy's Mom MRSQSL's Avatar
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    Ha, ha, ha. Thank you!!!!! My daughter will be 23 next month, so 22nd might be a smidge off.

  11. #171
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    Have not heard anything from y'all in over a year. I hope everythis is well with you and your family. Any progress with Coupe?

  12. #172
    Coupy's Mom MRSQSL's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonfire View Post

    Have not heard anything from y'all in over a year. I hope everythis is well with you and your family. Any progress with Coupe?
    We are such bad people for not checking in more often!!!!! We are fine. All of us. Thank you. There has been no progress on Coupey. I feel like I can't do it on my own and Mike has a billion other things he's doing. I ask him often about working on my car, but he's just not motivated so it will wait until he is. I understand. He has oodles of stuff that is a higher priority. I still pet the car whenever I walk by and talk nicely to it. One day.

    I don't think we've done a whole lot of work on the cabin. I'm not sure what I posted about last. I guess I should look. We are currently helping a cabin neighbor with their place. In fact, we will be changing out the beams this weekend. I'd be a little more excited if they weren't so big and high up and heavy. Fingers crossed it goes smoothly.

    Alyssa got her degree in the mail earlier this week. She will attend the actual college graduation ceremony later this year. We are very proud of her. Steve has graduated from high school and has started college. Very proud of him as well.

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