Just bought a GTM and am trying to get any history on the car. The seller indicated that the vehicle was assembled by Factory Five Racing. I believe it was assembled by GT MILAN and would like to get the consensus of the community to prevent my posting of incorrect info and triggering a backlash of negative responses. The only info to date that I have is 3 pages of posts late 2010 on the FFCars forum. I'm new to this forum and the GTM, so if I sound like a rookie it is because I am. I assume there are some negative feelings among GTM owners regarding the GT MILAN because of the loyalty towards Factory Five Racing, and the fact that GT MILAN was only the assembler of the car and marketed the product as their own without the due credit to the FFR designed. Guess GT MILAN didn't believe in carma. Pigs get fat and hogs get slaughtered! My reasons for believing the car is a GT MILAN is the absence of Factory Five badging except for the VIN Tag, modified nose, atypical exhaust pipes, GT MILAN valve covers, and the "Emmissions Exempt" stickers on the front window from Pennsylvania (I believe the GT MILANS were assembled in Pittsburg).

I also have a couple other questions:

1) How many GTM's have been built, and of those, how many did GT MILAN build before they threw in the towel?
2) Mine has a fixed seat position driven by someone much taller than me. Can I remove the seat from the interior of the car and change the seat position, or better yet, are there
rails available to raise the seat height an inch or so and make it adjustable?

Thanks in Advance,
