Although there is some debate about the need for fresh air in footboxes, and the best way to achieve it, I decided to put them in: I live in the mountains of the West and there will certainly be times when the temperature differential between the footboxes and outside air will make the vent system effective.

A search on footbox vents yields a number of threads showing member's systems but none (that I could find) provided a lot of specific detail as to what the builders did. So, my objective here is to provide as much detail as possible so that someone can replicate what I did if so desired or to use it as a starting point.

The key find was a 3" stainless steel tube with a damper flue from Dickenson Marine:

********** sells a damper valve housing similar to what Cobra Earl used but it is more expensive than I wanted to pay.

The photo below shows the damper flue inserted into the DS footbox. The retaining ring was made from an ABS 3" cleanout adaptor I found at Home Depot:
DSC_5539 (1).jpg

The list of parts is:
Air vents parts.jpeg

An overview of the DS system (to the blower):

Below is the PS system (to the blower):
PS overview.jpg

More detail can be found here:

And here is a link to a photo album with more photos:

Obviously I still need to complete the system to the roadster's nose as well as cut a hole in the elephant ears for the ducting to pass though. I think that the forward part will be more straightforward (I hope!).

I made an attachment for the damper-moving cable using a couple of sections of bicycle chain: The cable is a standard choke cable that I got from NAPA:
