Gentleman / Ladies
My name is Don and this is my first attempt to the forum and a posting. it seem i have had better luck building my MK4 than using this forum, well maybe i'll get the hang of it. There's tons of information here, just haven't had the time to explore it all, spending most of my free time on the chassis, which is almost done minus a thousand little details. i got my kit in August this year. went to the school at Mott and off i went. Motor is a 500hp 351 with the tremec tranny and a mosher 3link . experts say I'm pushing the limit,,, they maybe right... anyway i drove the go-cart last week up and down my street with skinny little used tires and scared the crap out of me. see i told you....
my questions are: when running the rear cables to the lights, do you bring them into the trunk thru grommets or stay under the trunk?
any body paint theirs the new Mazda red ? if so please send me a pic. i'm think that for mine.
thank you for reading and the help. I'll post some pics and updates once i learn how....