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Thread: Rear quick jack mounting

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  1. #1
    Not a waxer Jeff Kleiner's Avatar
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    Rear quick jack mounting

    I just had a PM from someone asking about my optional method for mounting the rear quick jacks given the tight space to do so with the tank installed. I looked and it appears that I have never posted it on this site so here it is imported from the other forum. I've used this method on a dozen or so cars now (even a Mk3 because it makes things sooooo much easier). Hope this option helps future builders.

    ************************************************** ***

    The RH side of a Mk3 is a pain however with the lowered structure for the non-perky butt on the Mk4 it's all but impossible to access the bolts once the tank is installed and the trunk floor is completed.

    My solution is to use a 1/2" long bolts from the tank side threaded into coupler nuts:

    There are no sleeves on the inside; instead I use all thread. After putting it thru the body but before threading it into the coupler I put a fender washer then a nut on it---the washer winds up against the inside of the body and the nut is between it and the coupler. After the all thread was snugged into the coupler the "floating" nuts and washers were used in conjunction with the sleeves and jack bolts on the outside to adjust the rear valance in or out as needed to meet the lower edge of the trunk lid. Afterwards with it positioned and locked down I cut off the excess all thread and installed the quick jacks with chrome acorn nuts & chrome washers. Although you really have to stick your head inside to see it the coupler nut plus a couple of inches of all thread remain visible:

    I simply cover the whole works with a piece of wire harness split loom:

    Nothing fancy, just hardware store all thread, couplers, nuts & washers. Simple---cheap---easy :001_smile:


    Last edited by Jeff Kleiner; 09-09-2017 at 10:12 AM. Reason: restore photos

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