I don't think I posed these questions elsewhere. If I did, well, I guess I'm just repeating myself. Wouldn't be the first time. Here they are:

1. Accommodating the mid-shift option on a TKO600
2. Location of the battery.

Let's deal with the mid-shift first. I believe there will be interference with the cross-member in the transmission tunnel. I know some builders have just removed the tube; others have moved it and re-welded it. Unfortunately, I don't weld. Here's the "before":

When I put the mid-shift kit on the trans, it looks like it will interfere. Here's my possible solution:

Conceptually, it's the same solution a bunch of you have employed for the clutch interference. Here's the question: Am I nuts? Is it worth the effort, or shall I just cut out the interference and be done with it? Will that tube contribute to torsional strength or not?

OK, topic #2: battery. Other than to make more space in the trunk, what advantage is there to installing the battery in the engine bay?

OK, back to work. We have great weather in Chicagoland today and I can keep the garage open! Applying Thermo-Tec to the aluminum today.