Quote Originally Posted by David Hodgkins View Post
Hello, If you are trying to register for this site or have recently done so, this is some important information you need to know about two topics: Registration, and New Member Permissions.

Re: Registering for the forum...
All new registrations are moderated before you can post your first post. This may add a delay between registering and being able to post.
The registration process includes Biography as a required field which has to be filled with something relating to why you are on this site.

The registration form states:
Fill in a few details about yourself, and specifically, why you are signing up for this forum. This field is required, and is used to help verify you are not a spammer. Don't put gibberish or generic answers in this field, as it will be viewed by the membership moderator after signup. If the moderator can't tie this answer to why you have signed up for this site, your membership request will be denied, and you will have to re-register!

Let me reiterate: If you register for the site and don't put something related to this site in the Bio field your registration will be rejected. Small, generic answers like "New to site", "Car Lover", "Mechanic" will get you rejected. If you get a rejection email or no response from the site within 48 hrs after trying to register then click this Contact Us link to get in touch and we'll get you registered.

Re: New Member Permissions... (Supporting Vendors and current PRIVATE PARTY - ie: non-commercial entity - FFR owners are exempt from these restrictions. If you are new and currently own a Factory Five, send me a PM and I'll update your status.)

For everyone else who is new to the forum, Welcome! I'm sorry for the restrictions that follow, but since they were put in place we have had virtually NO ongoing spam problems. If you want to request an exemption to the following, send me a PM. Exemption requests are discussed in the thread so feel free to peruse the entire thread and as always, comments are encouraged and welcome. /EDIT

For new members with less than 20 posts these restrictions are as follows:

  • You do not have access to your blog.
  • You cannot post a new thread in the FOR SALE classifieds. You can still create a new thread in the WANTED portion of the classifieds. Posting a FOR SALE thread in a WANTED classified forum will be treated as a direct attempt to circumvent the rules and you WILL be penalized, up to and including a temporary or permanent ban.
  • You can't create a picture album.
  • You can't create a group of post new threads to a group. You can still post to existing group threads.
  • You cannot update your profile or have a signature.
  • You cannot have a custom title
  • Calendar access is restricted (Thanks for the catch kwb160!)

After you reach 20 posts, your account will be transitioned to another group that has these restrictions removed. This can take up to an hour after you reach 20 posts. We had to take this measure to better fight the ongoing problem of spam.

EDIT: Please note, posting items for sale should always be limited to the classifieds, and continued posting of for sale items in the classifieds - beyond extra parts floating around in your garage for example - may result in you being flagged as a commercial vendor. All commercial vendor postings are confined to supporting vendors. If you are interested in becoming a supporting vendor on our site please see this page for more information:

As always, comments are welcome.

Are all FFR kits for racing? Or can they be turned into vehicles used for evening/weekend driving?