Since I started with a truck Coyote from a junkyard the oil filter adapter was a no go for fitment. Also since the stock oil cooler won't work I thought a remote setup with an oil cooler would be fun to design and install. While I was researching the components I ran across oil thermostats and it seems like there is some sound logic for including one when using an air oil cooler. The main things are apparently to get the oil working at it's designed viscosity which is targeted for a specific temperature and also it help to remove any absorbed moisture out of the oil. I ended up with a unit from Canton racing and it's pretty darn clever. I landed on that unit because I went with the FPP remote oil filter adapter and that uses -12 AN fittings. There weren't many oil thermostat options with -12 fittings so it seemed the natural choice. With some special fittings I was able to marry the filter mount and t-stat as one unit for mounting and I think this location will also make mx pretty easy, but I an seriously considering adding a panel to protect them anything kicking up from the road.
The clearance between filter and cross member is about a half inch which is plenty and the filter is easily accessible from below.
The FFP remote oil adapter is a really nicely build unit and also eliminates the pressure bypass solenoid. And spoiler alert--the block is in for mock-up.
With the block in for mock-up I was able to figure out what fittings I needed and how much -12 hose to order. That should all be here later in the week from summit so next weekend I should be able to get the oil supply and return lines run. I'm holding off on the oil cooler part until the I have the radiator in hand (another big ticket POL item).
The oil cooler will be a -10 size unit. I did this for two reasons. One, -12 oil coolers in the size I need are hard to find for a price I was willing to pay. Two, the t-stat always sends a small amount of oil to the cooler so in my head the path of least resistance will be the -12 lines for the return to the engine so that when the oil is cold most all of it will bypass the cooler. I'm guessing in reality I'll probably never notice anything and hopefully that is a good thing indicating all is working correctly