As of today, pretty good.

Replaced both brake line sensors (just to be safe), so brakes have a fresh bleed on them. Nothing quite like a firm... brake pedal.

I had a monster boost leak on my first test drive; car was all kinds of undrivable, surging and hesitation. The hint was the crazy loud sound of pressurized air -even louder than the turbo and engine which is saying something in these cars.

Spent an evening looking over the turbo/IC connections. Looks like I hadn't tightened the clamp on the turbo outlet enough. Actually, I had it tightened quite a bit, but on the OEM silicon elbow for this engine there is a small metal tab that looks like it's supposed to retain the hose clamp for easier install. However, I'm not using stock hose clamps - so that tab was preventing fully tightening it.

After I fixed that I just did a quick loop (2 miles) to check everything. Happy car again, no surging or hesitations; power in the upper RPM bands. Still crazy loud back there, so I'm going to take another check to make sure I got everything.

One interesting thing to note: using ROM Raider to pull ECU logs and In logging the IAT I saw a low of 77 (*F) which is about ambient right now and a high of 86 (*F) with a run up to 5588 RPM and target boost of 15.93. I can't speak to heat soak or prolonged use, but that doesn't seem too bad considering I'm running a stock A2A intercooler with a plenum fed by the hard top roof scoop. I'd love to grab more data about this, but for now I'm maxed in analogue sensors in my data logger; I'd have to find an analog to CANBUS expansion (which I believe exists for my model logger) since I've totally failed building the OBD2 to CAN bridge.