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Thread: Project Deimos: An LS Coupe Build - DIY Powder Coat Oven Complete

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  1. #11
    Senior Member JimStone's Avatar
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    Mounted the AC condenser.

    Lots of talk on the forum about interference with the hood hinges. Its kind of hard to wrap my head around right now without attempting to mount the hood, so I've just followed general advice of mounting the condenser as far to the driver's side as possible. Trimmed that side of the condenser to try to reduce hinge interference. The bottom hose fitting routes easily to the inside of the radiator tunnel (another general recommendation).

    I've purchased some 0.185 inch thick steel perforated plate to make a shield for the bottom of the radiator that I'll be confident will withstand the inevitable chunk of asphalt or racoon carcass that I run over. That lower radiator is practically the front bumper of this car, 3 inches off the ground.

    Mounted the AC unit in the footbox. Some say it can be mounted square to the frame, but I couldn't figure out how to do that without making the fittings/hoses more difficult to route. I'm fine with it diagonal.

    Used 5/16" Rivet nuts and long button head screw/bolts to mount the Tilton 3 chamber reservoir to the frame. I'm using nylon braded hose with AN fittings to run to the master cylinders because I really don't like rubber hoses - just don't like the look. I'll be trying to minimize rubber hoses, or cover them up with nylon covers.

    Made some hood rollers based on Paul's diagrams. I wanted to do these early and get them mocked up before doing any panel powder coating. Glad I did, because the footbox panels needed trimming. I misremembered what thickness of aluminum Paul used and made mine out of quarter inch plate (Paul used 1/8") so making the bend was kind of a difficult, but I got it done. I'll drill the final bolt holes after I try them out with the hood on to set depth.

    Last edited by JimStone; 10-14-2024 at 12:05 AM.
    Gen 3 Coupe #576 - "Project Deimos"
    Ordered: 2/14/2024
    Received: 5/24/2024
    Build Thread:!

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