As much as I wanted to visit Factory Five's Open House this year, the main reason why I flew from California to Boston was to visit a dear forum friend David Hunt, AKA Movieman. You see, David was one of those guys who really wanted to build his own Type 65 coupe. Unfortunately, he never got a chance to fulfill his wish. He had procrastinated for a decade before finally going in to get his first colonoscopy at 60+ and was given the bad news that he was already at stage 4 cancer. Regardless of his fate, he was very active on the forum and he and I had spoken on the phone many times as a result of our mutual love of Factory Five and these *****en' race cars we build.

I arrived in southern New Hampshire on Thursday June 4th with one purpose: meet a good friend for the first time / last time. It was no secret that he was going to die, and had resigned himself to his fate. He still stayed active on Facebook and computer forums that he was an administrator on and was famous in the tech community for his ability to get incredible throughput out of the latest chip designs. He consulted for Intel and AMD and the two tech giants regularly sent him their very, very latest beta designs for him to test. He was a very smart man!

His FFR dream never came to fruition, but he just LOVED to see these cars we have built and talk about them. What a guy. We had several long conversations about various topics, including his souped-up sleeper Capri he had in the 70's.

During my visit with him he told me stories of his life, paid me a ton of compliments I didn't deserve, and the 5 hours we had together just flew by. I knew when I was leaving that I'd never get another chance to see him again, and was very emotional as I said goodbye. I did get one last chance to do him a solid by sitting down with Dave Smith after everyone had left from the Open House and making a call to David so that they could meet. That phone call lasted over an hour and again was very emotional by the time it ended. I'm glad I was able to do one little favor for my new life-long friend.

I'm so sad right now! If he had just seen a doctor and not been embarrassed about the procedure he might still be here today. But to his credit he took full responsibility for his delay and the path that decision led him on.

David, Rest In Peace my brother! Until we meet again...