The next chapter of my families racing DNA story played out Friday night.
It brought to mind Dave Smith's passion for family that he expressed a couple weeks ago while giving me a lengthy plant tour and talking about who we all are in the world and the FF community.
"We are them going forward" is not just a phrase but how we should live our lives. My father passed away in April and was the other half of my exposure to racing at a young age. The Uncle above was Mom's brother so I got the bug from both sides of the family. Some of you may have seen Dad's story on the other forum including his (last ride)<> the casket towed to the graveside with his grandsons B-mod. Friday night the current owners of our
home track held the first annual Joe Berry B-Mod showdown in Dad's honor. Big purse, show-up money, a family suite for the event and shirts with Dad and his G-son Curtis's car on them. At the checkered flag they also had Mom present the trophy to the winner. The current owners of the track remind me of Dave Smith and so many others I have met here that have more class than any other segment of society I have seen in my lifetime.
Dale Berry Hemi33
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