Well I tried my hand at Rage Gold tonight. First attempt was pretty poor. I mixed up a small batch and applied it to the driver side rear parting line. I waited about 15 minutes and started sanding it down. 80 grit was the coarsest paper I had so I used that. Per the other bodywork threads 40 grit is what to use quickly knockdown the peaks on the filler. I think I am going to get some 40 grit. That will make working the Rage Gold a little easier. But I didn't have any and 80 did work, just a little elbow grease. Well, as I started sanding I started uncovering air pockets. I think this is what everyone is calling pin holes. Mine were a little more than pin holes. Well, I decided to sand all those out.
Here is what I started with

Here are the air pockets I found

And here is what I was left with when all the air pockets were gone

I laughed at myself when I got to this point. I am going to have to get better. I will have a lot of work and will need a lot more Rage Gold if my application efficiency doesn't improve.

So I decided to try my hand at this again. With the next batch of Rage Gold, I spent a little more time mixing and trying to keep air out of the mix. I also spent a little more time applying the material to the body and "working" it into place. I also applied a thinner coat. This seemed to help. Still not great at getting the shape I want and need to improve on how much I keep on the body but overall better and no air pockets.

Anyone have advice for the following:
1. Keeping the air pockets out of the filler?
2. Best way to get the shape? I saw hacksaw blade trick. Maybe I will try that.