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Thread: California ARB to Hold Workshop Discussing Specially Constructed Vehicles

  1. #1
    President, Factory Five Racing Dave Smith's Avatar
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    California ARB to Hold Workshop Discussing Specially Constructed Vehicles

    We have just learned that the Air Resources Board (ARB) in California is considering a concept for certifying crate engines intended for use specifically in specially constructed vehicles (kit cars, hot rods, and component cars). A workshop is scheduled to discuss the ARB's preliminary thoughts and process. The meeting is open to the public and will also be broadcast on the web.

    Director of Engineering Jesper Ingerslev and Jim from R&D unpack the new 5.0L "Coyote" engine.

    Details of the meeting are as follows:

    Date: Tuesday, May 31, 2011
    Time: 10:00 a.m. - 2 p.m.
    Place: California Environmental Protection Agency
    Byron Sher Auditorium
    1001 I Street
    Sacramento, CA 95817

    Click here for a PDF with more details.

    Webcast on the morning of the workshop can be accessed at this address.

    I strongly recommend anyone living in California who is a gear head take the time to either attend this meeting or participate online. Currently, California regulations allow a 500 vehicle exemption for kit car builders. We want to make sure that this new effort by the California ARB does not affect the excellent existing legislation, but rather adds to it in a positive way. A lot of this is coming from Ford and General Motors and their efforts to "certify" an emissions legal engine for guys like us. You may recall that we worked closely with both Ford and GM on the Coyote (Ford) and LS3 E-Rod (Chevrolet) emissions legal engine packages.

    Dave Smith with Courtney Hanson on the set of Spike TV's "Powerblock" discussing the LS3 E-Rod Engine install in the GTM.
    Dave Smith, FFR 001
    Factory Five Racing

  2. #2
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    Hi Dave, after attending the meeting I was happy that SB100 wasn't affected and will remain at 500 per year. That was not what the meeting was about but I know some people where concerned about that? The home builder shouldn't be affected by the new rules. Although it seems to me that those building the 818 might have to register them by year of the engine and then have them smogged every two years as well as complying with OE aftermarket parts. But,if there hasn't been a problem registering the GTM then I suppose there wouldn't be a problem for the 818.
    The meeting was mostly directed to companies in California that want to build Turn-Key cars designed for re-sale.
    I imagine you will be putting out an official statement after reviewing the information.

  3. #3
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    Dave, I realize that I may be a day late and a $ short, but I bought a F5 MKIII (I think) in August from Portland, Oregon. Calif. DMV experiences are ?%$&# times a MILLION!!! They want me to register it as a SCV (Specially Constructed Vehicle) even tho it was registered as a 1965 Sheb (Shelby I guess) in Oregon. I LUV the car BUT they want me to go thru the BAR and probably/possibly have to visit the CHP too!! I'm scared to go to CHP 'cuz It's VERY LOUD and has no wipers. Is that SB100 thing difficult to use now that I have visited DMV and started the "ball rolling"?? Can you help me here??? Is there any hope for me and my plight??

    Thanx, Jon [email protected]

  4. #4
    Administrator David Hodgkins's Avatar
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    Don't be alarmed. The SPCN/SB100 process isn't that hard and the loudness shouldn't be an issue. The CHP assigns a VIN (I used my frame number but Oregon might have assigned you one already), the brake/ light inspection isn't mentioned by you but is just that, and when you declare to the DMV that you are using the BODY STYLE, not year on engine manufacture the only thing you need for the bar is a CLOSED system PCV valve. Smog is NEVER required.

    See the diagram below for PCV info:

    Make sure your hoses are PCV rated and your valve cover plugs are NOT vented and you should be good to go.

    FFR 5369 Pin Drive, IRS, Trigos, Torsen, Wilwoods, FMS BOSS 302 "B" cam , Mass-flo. CA SB100 (SPCN) Registered
    Delivered 4/23/06. "Finished" 4/2012 (still not done!)

  5. #5
    Super Moderator vnmsss's Avatar
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    Jon.......What David said is correct. Also, since you already have a VIN, you should not have to visit the CHP, as their role is to verify the car parts and issue a VIN to cars that do not already have one issued. Since you have a registered vehicle from another state, the DMV should be able to visually verify the VIN at their location.
    I bought a F5 that was previously registered in Arizona, and had to go through the same process. Apply for the SB100 number and get it issued, DMV should verify the VIN, then you go to the BAR and get certified by body style. They will complete your paperwork and issue you a Smog Exemption sticker, which is placed on the car, typically in the engine bay (try to find a safe, dry place), and then you return to the DMV to pay your fees and have plates issued.

    BTW....I've completed the California SB100 process for five Factory Five cars, and helped others with theirs...Not an expert in any way, but I know a thing or two because I've seen a thing or two.
    #28 FFR Challenge Series
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