
You are in San Antonio. You are welcome to come check out mine or I could come by if you would like. I did it myself. Well, actually this forum painted the car. I could not have done it without the help from this group. The Jeff's (Kleiner and Miller) were both instrumental. Not sure they want credit for my work but they did their best with what they had. I have a thread linked in my signature. I tried to capture all my issues/problems so others could learn from my mistakes. It is not perfect. I see them every time I go out to the car. At first I was a little ashamed and embarrassed. I had high expectations for it to be show quality. UNREALISTIC. No one every sees them but I noticed and wanted it to be perfect. But, I realized. HELL....I painted a car in my garage. I am not proud of my work, imperfections and all. No big issues but here are the mistakes I have:

1. the passenger side stripe on the trunk lid is not perfectly straight. Not sure what happened. I spent hours laying those bastages out.
2. There are some areas around the edges that have some small swirl marks from my cut and buff. I was scared to get burn through.
3. A couple of spots on the under side of the trunk and hood that have small runs right on the edge. I was scared to try and fix those and risk burn through.
4. A couple of bug prints remain. Not easy to see but I can still point them out.

I am sure you can do better than I did. But keep in mind their is a risk it won't be "show quality". I you are ok with that then get after it. If I can do then so can you. It was a lot of work but very rewarding.

Heck, I might even come heckle you if that would help.