Quote Originally Posted by edwardb View Post
The pictures I have hosted on this site (e.g. my Coupe build plus a few others) are fine. The ones that aren't showing (e.g. 20th Anniversary build, #7750 build) are hosted in Photobucket. They had a service issue some days ago, which I reported to them. Said it was supposed to be resolved soon, but obviously not yet. I just sent their support another message. Not sure how optimistic I am to be honest. That site has gotten very unreliable, and I have way too many pictures to re-load and re-link. Not good.
Quote Originally Posted by David Hodgkins View Post
I put a post up in the "complainer" thread that the admins over there were responding to but they have ignored my post. If you want to chime in as well (again) that would help. They have blocked all images from THIS site, which I imagine took some programming to do, so it isn't just a passive thing. Images from CC are still showing up there, but not those from here.

Paul, your build threads are among the very best out there. Maybe they will listen to you. I don't want to ruffle any feathers over there...

Thanks for the generous comment David. Actually there are two different issues here. (1) Photobucket, where I have a paid account to keep my picture links active, had some sort of technical issue and now my three Roadster build threads no longer display the Photobucket images. I reported to them a week ago and was told it would be resolved. I reported again today, and was told my account was still one of the ones not working, but that it would be resolved. I can't see any of the pictures either, even when logged directly into my Photobucket account. I'll stay on them. (2) My Coupe build has all the pictures hosted on this site in my personal gallery. They link and show properly on the Coupe thread on this forum. But as of a couple weeks ago are blocked on the other forum. I posted plus sent a message through their "contact us" link. There's no way I can move the pictures and re-link them all. If they don't change their mind, I'll abandon the thread over there.