I did a Flatirons Tuning podcast/YouTube interview on Winning Endurance Races in a Subaru.
I hope it helps some of y'all. Let me know!
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I did a Flatirons Tuning podcast/YouTube interview on Winning Endurance Races in a Subaru.
I hope it helps some of y'all. Let me know!
"Good Judgement comes from Experience. Experience comes from Bad Judgement"
Owner: Colonel Red Racing
eBAy Store: http://stores.ebay.com/colonelredracing
Palatov DP4 - ICSCC Sports Racer
Nicely done and lots of useful info.
Lots of wisdom there. Thanks for sharing, Gator!
Kit #361, arrived 10/2015, still in progress
818C highly modified, corvette suspension
Estimated completion summer 2023!
1989 turbo Supra 5 sp
2017 Tundra
Looking forward to listening over the next few days.
I am selling my 818R race car. Located in Bend Oregon. Raced in ICSCC events.$25K or best offer.
I'm selling all my race cars, Subaru STI, 818R, Palatov D4, Subaru BRZ ready to race in T4. Also a Ram 3500 and enclosed trailer.
Ya'll know the ups and downs of this car. So I figured I'd start here. If it doesn't sell in a couple of months I'll advertise it more widely.
Feb 8th I was skiing on Mt. Bachelor with my wife and old friends. I remember getting on the lift to go up, my next memory is waking up in St. Charles hospital ER with my wife trying to explain what happened. In between I apparently had a near fatal heart failure. We were coming down the slope and I just keeled over. Janet saw me go down and tried to flip me over but was unable. Luckily an off duty paramedic and his wife were also coming down just above me and stopped to help. He flipped me over and started CPR in the snow . Soon Ski Patrol arrived and for the next 20 minutes they took turns doing CPR and shocking me with their portable AED device. They got my heart going again and eventually onto the Life Flight helicopter. I spent 18 days in MICU. Tried to go home but that didn't stick. Another week in MICU. I'm back at home again but my recovery is very slow. I can only walk about 30 feet and that's with oxygen. There is 0% chance I'll drive any kind of car on a track in 2024. Competitive racing is probably done permanently. If I do any racing it will be all arrive & drive.
My contact but only if you're serious. I have a hard time concentrating for more than 30 mins a day. Email is the best but don't be surprised if it takes a few days for me to respond.
[email protected]
Last edited by Sgt.Gator; 03-20-2024 at 11:21 PM.
"Good Judgement comes from Experience. Experience comes from Bad Judgement"
Owner: Colonel Red Racing
eBAy Store: http://stores.ebay.com/colonelredracing
Palatov DP4 - ICSCC Sports Racer
Sorry to hear this... Best wishes going forward.
I was hospitalized for emergency surgery this past fall; it's not easy, and it's slow.
Thanks for all your contributions thus far.
So sorry to hear thishope your recovery goes well!
Let me add my best wishes for your recovery. Sad to see another racer leave, but glad to see you are alive!
I'll spread the word about your cars and try to drum up interest.
MK3.1 Roadster completed 2011
818R built with EZ36R H6 completed 2018
818R rebuild with a JDM Honda K24A
Thank you for all your contributions to this community. Your work on transmission position/oiling and dry sump setup have been very useful to me personally and, I'm sure, others as well. Your racing exploits, failures, and successes have been entertaining and inspirational. Best of luck selling your cars. I wish I could afford to buy them. And more to the point, best of luck with your recovery.
Ed Holyoke
Wow! Crazy story. So glad it has a happy ending - your alive! Best wishes for a quick recovery and track days in 2025.
As a side note... I was at Laguna Seca two weekends ago and struck up a long conversation with a wonderful gentleman as he walked past our pits. Only after we had been talking awhile, he divulged that he was Carroll Shelby's cardiologist - and shared a few stories.
Last edited by Dave 53; 03-21-2024 at 06:01 PM.
Take care buddy.
818S #22 Candy Blue Frame, Front Gas Tank, 2.5L Turbo, Rear radiator, Shortened Transmission, Wookiee Compatible, Console mounted MR2 Shifter, Custom ECU panel, AWIC soon
My Son Michael's Turbo ICE Build X22 http://thefactoryfiveforum.com/showt...rts-818S-Build
My Electric Supercar Build X21 (on hold until winter) http://thefactoryfiveforum.com/showt...e-Build-Thread
Best wishes for your recovery!
818SC chassis #206 EJ207 2.0L VF37 twin scroll || Cusco type RS 1.5 LSD || Wilwood pedal box (firewall attach) || Wilwood superlite front calipers
BUILD Phase 1: 6/6/2014 car delivered || 5/24/2015 first start || 6/7/2015 go karted || 4/20/2016 hard-top-topped || 10/25/2016 registered || 11/18/2016 inspected & complete
BUILD Phase 2: 3/8/2017 EJ207v8 || 5/29/2017 re-first re-start || 7/17/2017 re-assembled with race car bits
Oh my, that is both very unfortunate and fortunate all at the same time. Very relieved to hear you are on the mend. You have inspired more than a few folks here, and I'm glad to say I am one who has lived vicariously through your work. Super sad to see that you won't be hitting the track this year and carrying the Subie flag.
I'm always on the look out for my next poor financial decision that I shouldn't make...but this is on another level.
Gator, I am sorry to hear about your situation. Glad you are back home and recovering. You contributed so much to the 818 community and we appreciate that. Best wishes to you and your family. I hope your 818 finds a home where it is loved and cared for as much as it was with you. Get well soon!
Wow, that is an amazing story. Very sorry to hear about it, but glad you had the good fortune of the people around you who acted so quickly.
Best wishes for the fastest recovery possible.
thanks for the best wishes. ive been in 4 hospitals , over 100 days i ICUs. I'm still unable to sit up. but im goig to beat this!
"Good Judgement comes from Experience. Experience comes from Bad Judgement"
Owner: Colonel Red Racing
eBAy Store: http://stores.ebay.com/colonelredracing
Palatov DP4 - ICSCC Sports Racer
Since my last update there has been big progress physically. I was accepted into the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab in Chicago. They are an amazing facility and staff, one of the best in the world. In six weeks I was able to go from plugged full of tubes and almost unable to move, to walking short distances with a walker! I got home last week, what a blessing to be back home. The long journey continues.
I've reduced the price on the 818R, $17K. I really need to move it out before winter. I have a wheelchair lift in my garage now, courtesy of my retired police buddies, and there's just no room for race cars. So if you know anyone who wants an 818R please refer them. I am the very definition of a motivated seller!
Thanks for all your prayers,
"Good Judgement comes from Experience. Experience comes from Bad Judgement"
Owner: Colonel Red Racing
eBAy Store: http://stores.ebay.com/colonelredracing
Palatov DP4 - ICSCC Sports Racer
Glad you are on the mend. Sad you had to liquidate your cars.
Hope every day gets a little easier.
A well stocked beverage fridge is the key to any successful project.