So today I got the front end hard brake lines installed... my first time using a tubing bender and first time installing hard brake lines... Pics below and please point out my errors/mistakes. Of note, the pedal box is only temporarily installed as I need to get my DS footbox aluminum PC'ed and all those bolts go through the black steel and aluminum for final tightening.
My initial concerns were avoiding having to do any unions, so I made the best use of each 60" pre-fabbed line from FFR. I understand there is some alternate opinions on the brake lines going vertical at the master cylinder joint, but it seems 50/50 so I went with what the manual showed.

All of the unions/joints are just set in place and not tightened... I didn't want to put any pressure on the brass fittings... yet. I made sure the hard line clears the steering shaft, I'm just hoping that installing the Coyote doesn't interfere with that DS line.

Across the front was one of the easier bends...

Passenger side hard line to flex line mount. The lines tend to get a bit scratched up when bending and fitting them through the frame.... does this matter? Is it best to coat/paint/seal the hard lines again before final installation?
Also if you think I need to add additional cushioned brackets please let me know.

Tomorrow is on to drilling the trunk and making the modifications for Russ's drop trunk. I don't have any of my rivets from FFR, or any of my IRS fasteners so I'm kind of stuck running lines and drilling what I can.
Also I ordered my fuel system components and they should all arrive early next week, along with a mysterious 40lb box from FFR...maybe a large portion of my POL, or at least my IRS fasteners!