Thought this title might draw some attention. But it's true. Found this totaled 03 WRX in Ohio that was rear ended but still drivable. Guy wanted 4k but took 3k cash. Said he was tired of kids wanting it but with no money. He was happy to hear I was building an 818 with it, wished he could of done the same. Anyway had 166K mi and I sweat bullets driving it back to Indiana. Never had a timing belt change!
So to make a long story short, sold parts I didn'T need for over 3k and used the money to rebuild the engine and buy wheels and tires. Took some time but sold most all the parts thru WRX forum and Craigs list. Have less than 20k in this little rocket ship includind paint.
Happy building, you can finish too, just takes patience and perseverance. 3500 mi of fun cruisin to date.