Hi Nick,

Yes the roll pan is available but not on my web site yet. Probably in the $125.00 range but haven't decided yet. I want to pull one off the mold soon and make sure it's as i want it. It will actually be two pieces as it has to be able to come off to get the body off if one ever needs to do so.

The additional step to make it removable might add a few bucks to the price. I have over 60 hrs. in the mold but it does make the rear end look nice. maybe not everyone's cup of tea ......

Mine actually will have a retractable license plate incorporated into it for my car.


Quote Originally Posted by hdnik View Post
Tim, I was just browsing your website and found a number of very interesting items. I will definitely be in touch once my kit(s) finally arrive. Wll you be making the rear roll pan available from your mold?
