30 days ago, we decided to try and build an 818R and make it to the Ultimate Track Car Challenge (which is held a week from today, July 18th). This is part of a pilot episode of a potential reality TV show. I thought it might be a little bit of manufactured drama, but now 25 days into the project, it is definitely a pretty significant challenge that we decided to take on. The good news is that the engineering team has done a great job in taking our 818R benchmark and going to the next level with logical changes. We will summarize the things we did to the car to make it faster when we get home from the track the week after next. Here are some photos of the project just for fun. Full details will follow as we really don’t have time to communicate most of this work.

The project is to take the set-up from the already fast 818R (blue car above) and make it even faster with an all-new 818R build.

We thought for a few seconds of cannibalizing the 818S for parts when the STi block we were using was found out to be junk, but the car was just too pretty and we found another mill.

170,000 mile Subaru donor car started the project. We bought the car from Christian at High Octane Images (sorry Christian, we didn’t want you to see your baby gutted).

The new car chassis and body was rolled into R&D.

Parts from the demo rolling chassis were used.


Jesper installs Wilwoods smaller (and lighter) disc brake kit.