OK, we're getting closer. I've spoken to many of you personally over the past weeks and months and have sought your input on a variety of topics. I thank each of you. So here's where we're at:

complete MKIV kit
power steering
big and tall seats

There are a bunch of other items, but they don't fall into the "major" category in my mind.

However, there is one crucial decision left: ABS or no ABS? If I don't go with ABS, I will simply order the brakes off the FFR form.

Other than having them on my current vehicles, my knowledge of ABS is limited. That is, I have never worked on them or installed them, so I have little idea of what's involved. I'm beginning to get the idea of what's involved, and that's where YOU come in!

If I'm starting with a complete kit, I would need to get a complete ABS system from "an ABS vendor". Your recommendation?
Apparently, the wiring harness that comes with the kit does not support ABS. How much trouble is it to wire the system (ABS)?

I have no plans to track the car, nor will I drive it in the winter. Is this a useful addition or not (in your opinion)? My original thinking was that the roadster is a very light car and the standard brakes were designed for a Mustang weighing considerably more. I wonder how easy they are to lock up.

If you installed ABS in your car, would you do it again or was it a "nice to have" that really didn't add much to your build?

OK, last item: how do you like the dog? (avatar) He's about the same size as a real coyote and I didn't want to mess with copyrights on Wiley E. Coyote cartoons, so there he is. I'll change it once I have something to take a photo of (e.g. frame, engine, master cylinder... you get the idea)

Thanks, guys - I look forward to your advice on the brakes.