I've called Factory Five at least 4 different times in the past 2 weeks for information on a Type-65 build. Each time I call, I call hoping to get that one person with all the right answers, delivered in an honest, sincere fashion that make me feel comfortable writing a check for $25K. I called today and a gentleman waxed poetically as if I was boring him each time I asked a question; seemingly more interested in hearing himself speak. Question 1, what's the lead time for delivery if I order today? Response 1, "Oh that's hard to guess with any certainty." Question 2, what parts if any are typically backordered and how long are those parts typically backordered for? Response 2, "Our inventory is very dynamic, constantly changing, there no way to know what will be available when you pick your kit up. We could tell you it's ready one week and when you arrive a lot of your parts may not be available." What? This went on for 15 minutes until I just gave up; later telling my wife I don't know if I can go with this company.

My question to the group, if I place an order, depositing $1000, does the level of support change? Will I then be connected with persons genuinely concerned enough to answer my questions, persons who genuinely care that I ordered a kit and desire my build be successful? Did the group experience similar results when calling the main number to inquire about ordering a kit and different levels of support after you actually placed an order?

P.S.- I just returned from Midway Mustang Salvage in Davenport, IA with a 2016 Mustang GT IRS rear assembly. I want to use this assembly in my Type-65 build but do not get a "fuzzy feeling" each time I call to ask a question. Does my $1000 down get me that "fuzzy feeling?"

