Quote Originally Posted by crackedcornish View Post
...oh and the butt is a little high, reminds me of a bustle, would look better at the same height as the front fenders (which are a touch high as well)

other than that I like it
Changing the height of the rear would destroy the look of the car and muck up the roof line... Seriously just take a good look at the 458 Italia and see the design cues here... Rodneys desing has a certain look about it that i feel hinges on these high arches to pull off.

The things you can change on the design without it being detrimental to the overall image of this car are the fine details like lights, minor adjustments to front and rear openings, little line changes on bonnet ect. If Rodney started making wholesale changes to the arch heights and bonnet I rhink that the design style would start to unravel.

Stick with it Rodney! your design is the top equal most liked car so changes MUST remain in the finer details and not detract from what people actually drawn to in the first instance. Also like Xabiers model it really grows on you over time.