Using a vent to atmosphere (VTA) BOV will make it run a little richer during a shift and make it much more likely to blow fireballs out the back. There was an article on NASIOC a while back comparing BPV vs BOV AFR at shift points and it really wasn't all that different. Spool up time after a shift will change slightly. If you want to recirc it, Steve sent me a nice writeup on how to do that. I'll host those photos shortly.

I looked, and thought I had posted this file, but maybe I only put it on facebook. It's the complete BOM for the frozenboost parts you need with prices filled in. Prepaired kits are 2% off list, everything else (couplers, clamps, tubing) is 5% of list.

Product page on my website:

Direct link to BOM: (please let me know if permissions are set to allow you to view it)

Base price for drop shipped parts: $501 for non clocked version.

Heat exchanger brackets are here:
Rear AWIC core mount is here:

Front AWIC core is coming. The system is pretty sturdy without the front bracket so you can get everything started, but for longevity I wouldn't want to drive it without a front bracket and stress the silicone coupler.